
General Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) I

Fall semester / Bachelor 1st semester

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Peter Chen

Introduction to the history of organic chemistry, introduction to nomenclature, learning of classical structures and stereochemistry: isomerism, Fischer projections, CIP rules, point groups, molecular symmetry and chirality, topicity, chemical bonding: Lewis bonding model and resonance theory in organic chemistry, description of linear and cyclic conjugated molecules, aromaticity, Huckel rules, organic thermochemistry, learning of organic chemistry reactions, intermolecular interactions.

General Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) II

Spring semester / Bachelor 2nd semester

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Peter Chen

Understanding of fundamental reactivity principles and the relationship between structure and reactivity. Knowledge of the most important reaction types and of selected classes of compounds.

Classification of organic reactions, reactive intermediates: radicals, carbocations, carbanions, acids & bases, electrophilic aromatic substitution, electrophilic addition to double bonds, HSAB concept, nucleophilic substitution at sp3 hybridized carbon centres (SN1/SN2 reactions), nucleophilic aromatic substitutions, eliminations, oxidations, reductions.

Organic Chemistry IV: Physical Organic Chemistry

Spring semester / Bachelor 6th semester

Lecturer: Dr. Alexandra Tsybizova

Introduction to qualitative molecular orbital theory as applied to organic reactivity. Hückel theory, perturbation theory, molecular symmetry. Frontier orbital theory and stereoelectronic effects. Pericyclic reactions, photochemistry. Qualitative MO theory and its application to organic reactions, thermal rearrangements, pericyclic reactions.

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